No Lesson Today After All

So my trainer called and asked if she could pretty please not come out and teach me this week so she could go buy new shoes. How on earth could I argue with that! She hardly ever gets time off from her day job so I have no issue letting her enjoy herself when she can. Not that watching X and I walk around isn’t the height of fun, but still :P.

I rode this afternoon and he was so good. I am working on him associating the little outside rein with a drop of his wither and poll. He does that already, but it takes a while. You do little squeeze and then wait, and wait, and wait and then he drops his poll. I figure since we are only walking it would be good to speed up his response time and also it would give us something to do.

He was perfectly sounds and evenly tracking up for the first 18 min and then his hind leg started to just get a little bit draggy. Not bad though…I don’t think you can call it lame. He just wasn’t even from behind anymore so I hopped off. It was fun though and I am VERY happy.

At the end of our ride 2 other boarders came in and we were all chatting and I just felt so happy. Even with this being a very stressful week for me, and even with my horse being on crack and I am the only one he is not naughty for, and even with the barn manager wanting to fire our mutual farrier (just for her horse, he is still allowed to come to mine, assuming he will) I was just happy. In less then a week I will be much less stressed and will fill you in more on why I am sure that my horse is being drugged.

I hope everyone had a nice holiday. I cannot wait to wear my new boots!