Gen’s Fine and Texas is Salty…

So the Vet did not come out on Friday. Why? Because Gen didn’t need his leg ultra sounded 🙂 As of Friday his leg was nice and cool. In fact, my horse cracks me up because I flew to the barn after work to I could call the vet and be the last call of the day. So I ran into the barn cell phone in hand and flew to my horses leg. I didn’t even say hello to him, just went right down to his leg leg. And it was cool!!! Still down touching his front leg I called the vet to let him know he could end his day a little early since he wouldn’t have to come. I was so happy! I kept touching the leg being grateful for how cool it was. I started to hug the leg because I was so happy! Well that was enough for Gen. His head had dropped down to say hello as soon as I had launched myself on to his leg and had not moved. When I started to hug his leg and not his neck Gen had enough of my rudeness.

He took his nose and carefully knocked my hands off one at a time. At first I didn’t get what he wanted to I kept putting my hands back, making Gen mad that I wasn’t listening. I took the hint after a few more tries and let him knock my hands off, but stayed down. He dropped his head again and put it right in my empty arms. It was such a sweet moment. It was like he was saying “Mom, I know you were worried but I am FINE. Relax about my leg”. It is so hard for me to relax about his leg though! I know it isn’t normal and it never will be. I was so worried his tendon was eating itself again. Now that I know it is not I am so happy. But it has made me rethink my plan to lounge him. If I got that stressed out about a little heat and swelling I wouldn’t want to cause my own stress you know.

Of course it had to rain last night, but not for long. Just from the time I got out of work until it got dark out so I couldn’t ride 😦 I went and saw Texas and groomed him anyway. We are still getting to know each other so days of just hanging out are not a bad thing. So this week I had to pull poultice and my bute and other stuff out of my trunk at Gen’s. While doing that I found that not only do I have nice friends who gave me a few Himalayan salt licks for Christmas for Gen, but I had a spare myself. It takes Gen about a year to go through his fancy salt. So finding I had 3 salt licks left I figured I could share. So Gen gave Texas a salt lick which I put up in his stall last night. Unlike Gen, who maybe licks at it once a week, Texas was all about it. In fact, he wouldn’t STOP licking it at all. I had to drag him away from it to groom him. It was really cute. Now that I know how much he loves this kind of think I might get some other things to lick. Because I don’t think it is healthy for him to have that much salt!

And I will have a chance to get something today because I am going to the tack store before I rider to try on the pair of  pair of zippered dress boots I ordered. Hopefully the first time will be the charm! (fingers crossed). I got so lucky with Gen’s leg though I don’t think that many things can go right at once in my life 😛